Someone broke the Internet recently by utilizing a piece of plywood and made it into something useful. A man from Cairo, New York was able to make a hand truck out of a 4×8 foot of plywood sheet. This was a challenge from a popular website of Do-it-yourself projects for their workshops on how to build this plywood hand truck. The winner was named Mead Pelletier who was happy to share with the public how he was able to create something very useful from an object that we might be thinking of throwing away. This is a very cool advocacy of getting people into doing something that can benefit a greater number of people. The procedure on how he was able to create the hand truck is available to many sites when you would key in the phrases in any search engine. It would direct you to pages that would give you a sketch of how he plan looks like and would include the steps on how to make it. It might look easy but you should prepare on how big the challenge was in building the project. However, even if there is already a winner, we can still find something new that we can create out of recycled materials. We might not notice it but even just inside the corners of our house there is always something that we can recycle and we need not throw away every single litter that we see. Let us look deeper on how we can still utilize some wastes on our house and make something useful out of them. You can find more equipment here to help you get the job done and save you money.
Read the complete plans to build this hand truck for yourself here.
Old and torn clothes
People might smirk at the idea of using their old clothes especially those which have been worn and torn. Yet, the Internet and some creative folks give these old clothes a chance to be used even at their desolate state. Of course, we always have that time when we need to freshen up our wardrobes or throw away some clothes because we are running out of space. Still, we need not to change wardrobe every now and then because we can still alter our old clothes and make something new from something old. Some can even make quilts by stitching old shirts together.
Plastic Bottles
Bottles made out of plastic and are ready to be put into waste are often on the top of the list when talking about recycling. To many gardeners, they have found great ideas on how to recycle plastic bottles. They cut it in the middle and creatively make it as plastic pots and even use it to make vertical gardens.
Wine Bottles
Aside from plastic bottles, we can also recycle bottles after we consume the wine inside it. There are so many ideas that you can find especially on the Internet on how we can reuse old bottles. For many who love crafts so much, they were able to make chandeliers or even terrariums out of them.
If we are dedicated enough, we would soon find ourselves with almost zero waste. We just need time to think about creative ideas on how we can reuse our wastes.